Daniel Farnsworth
Music Producer, Recording & Mixing engineer
Daniel Farnsworth is a musician and audio engineer from Palatine, Illinois. Daniel Joined the gravity staff in 2015 and has worked on many projects in his time there. By the Time Daniel was 14 he was playing guitar, drums, bass guitar, and keyboards. Daniel was heavily invested in learning as much as he could about music composition and performing all the way through college. Daniel completed an associates in media arts from Tribecca Flashpoint College. Daniel has been producing, mixing, and performing on records for the last 15 years and splits his time between teaching music and being in the studio.
“ “We’ve got the gear, we’ve got the skills!”
Random Facts about DaNIEL
Plays Hockey in his free time.
Knows where to get the best gluten free food
Has almost all of the Godzilla movies